Monday, July 28, 2008
Fun Giveaway!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Look What I Got!
You can't really see my sunburn in this picture, but just imagine lobster-red skin on my neck and arms with some pretty white skin everywhere else. It still hurts and burns today. It's amazing what a few hours in the sun can do to you...I guess I applied the sunscreen a little too late. I didn't get to keep either of the fish I caught, since they were over 15" but less than 22"...they have to be smaller than 15" or larger than 22". Maybe I'll have better luck next time. I was hoping that I could take some fish home so that I wouldn't have to think about what I was going to make for dinner. Speaking of dinner...what am I going to make today...?
Binding update: I am making progress...yeah!!!! I'm hoping to have four of my quilts finished by this Wednesday, as a bunch of us are getting together for a binding party Tuesday night. I'll post pictures of my completed quilts then! =)
Friday, July 25, 2008
As I was jumping from blog to blog to blog the other night, I found a whole new style of quilt - cathedral windows!!! I don't know where I've been over the years, but I've never heard of this pattern before. I immediately fell in love with the design and knew I had to try it out. I grabbed some scraps and here's my first attempt...
I am somewhat of a perfectionist, so it's going to take some more practice to get it down, but I really love it and I am excited that it's a quilt as you go kind of project. So, when it's done it's taking it to the quilter and no binding. The tutorial I used I found at Hyena in Petticoats....another neat blog.
I also came across a recipe for "Death by Chocolate Zuchinni Cake" on my friend Crystal's blog. Since I had the day off today, and I was feeling quite domestic (doing 6 loads of laundry, cleaning out the fridge, etc.), I decided to try it out. I even included some berries that I picked from my garden. The best part is the cake tastes even better than it looks!!!
Yesterday was Pioneer Day and I got to spend some time with one of my cute little nephews, Logan. We went to 'Taste of Utah Valley' yesterday and stuffed ourselves sick...the food was so delicious. A couple of weeks ago he broke his arm playing on a bunkbed...the kid has no fear! He picked a light blue cast, as you can see, and it stays on for about another month.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
I Want to Win This!
Hugs to all my blogging friends!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Little Baby Feet
As I read this article, I was deeply touched. What a wonderful gift this nurse gave to that woman. It also hit me that even at 12 weeks a baby is formed enough to have litle feet and is a little baby, a litle person, a part of you and your husband....something that you made together. Through my miscarriages and D&Cs, I have felt the same emotions as that feel like your body let you down or wonder if it was something that you did, you really do start to question whether you were really don't feel any different, you don't look any different, you don't have any reminder except the empty, lonely feeling feel as if it was all just some bad dream.
I am so grateful for this article and the wonderful, happy feeling that it gave me. It proved to me that I really have been pregnant, I really have carried babies, babies with tiny little feet...little feet perfect enough to have made an impression on an index card...a little part of me and a little part of Rick. Even though I don't have any living children on this earth, I am a mother. I like to think that I have three little tiny pairs of baby feet waiting for me in heaven and I hope to live my life in such a way to be worthy of them when I leave this earth. How grateful I am for the plan of salvation and the fact that families can be together forever. I know that my Heavenly Father loves me and that He is aware of my trials and struggles. I know that He would never purposely deny me a blessing and that even though I may not be able to be a mother in this life...I can in the next. I am also grateful for my loving husband and his patience and understanding. I know that he will make a great father and I look forward to the day when we can be parents, even if it's not in this lifetime.
To any of you that have experienced pregnancy loss...I'm so sorry. I hope it gives you comfort to know that you are not alone in your thoughts and feelings. It will hurt for a while, and it does get better over time, but it will never go away completely...and that's okay. Everyone deals with loss in their own way, and that's okay too. Just remember that you're not alone...your Heavenly Father loves you and feels your sadness and pain, and like that 'Footprints' poem (if you haven't read it, search for it online) when we feel at our lowest and most alone, those are the times that He carries us.
Well, I have many more feelings and thoughts on this subject, but that's all for today. Thanks for 'listening'. Go out and make it a great day! =)
Friday, July 18, 2008
Winner, Winner, Winner!!!

Last Wednesday, Rick did another mountain bike race at Soldier Hollow. No, he didnt beat the '8-year old' yet, but he did come in right behind him...he's getting closer! But, he did win this great jersey...way to go Rick! Here he is in his new jersey getting ready to go for a morning ride on his awesome Fuji bike.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
I'm So Excited!
To those of you who read my blog from a few days ago, I know I said no QUILTING allowed until I finish some binding, but I don't count this as quilting...this is sewing, so I'm off the hook!
Monday, July 14, 2008
This Week's Goal
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Two-Color Quilt

They have been sitting in my sewing room for the past few months patiently waiting for me. I am now ready to get started...yeah!!! Better late than never, as they say. I think I'm going to do small half-square triangles in a scrappy look with three borders. The total size will be about 60" by 60", give or take a little as I haven't figured out all the measurements yet. I have a white-on-white fabric that I bought for it too, but it's not in the picture. So enough blogging for today...time to get sewing!!! =)
Friday, July 11, 2008
Itchin' to be Stitchin'

Thursday, July 10, 2008
I'm Surrounded by Athletes!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Happy Birthday to Ricky!!!