Hello...hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
In browsing all of the blogs from everyone that left me comments for my birthday giveaway, I came across Sonia's blog. She was doing a Pay It Forward, so I signed up and I will be receiving a handmade gift from her within the next 6 months...lucky me! So, in return I will be 'Paying it Forward'. The whole concept is based on the movie, Pay It Forward...you've probably all seen it, but if not, rent it - it's good. The movie is all about one person doing something good for three other people, with no expectation in return, but with the hope that those three people do something good for three other people...and so on...it just grows exponentially. Wouldn't it be a wonderful world if everyone lived by Pay It Forward?

So, the first three people to leave a comment on this post will receive a handmade gift from me, made especially for you, within the next 6 months! Not sure what it will be...I'll have to browse through your blog to see what kinds of things you like before I make something for you, but it'll be fun! Then, you post the Pay It Forward on your blog to make something handmade for three other people...I'm sure you get the idea. I think this will be a lot of fun...hope to be sending you something soon! =)
That is such a great idea! I'll have to get in on it :)
Wow, what a great idea. Feel bad that I'm second to post since I also won one of your give-aways. If you want to skip me and go to the person leaving the 4th comment, that is fine with me...I think I'll do the "Pay it Forward" either way!
Am I lucky enough to be number three? Must type fast! I'm in!
What a great idea. I think maybe I will "pay it forward" anyway. Even though I'm #4.
Have a great time with your PIF! I did one awhile ago and it was lots of fun!
I have particpated in several pay it forward, and they area always fun. I am inviting you to participate in a Fall into Fall Quilters Blog giveaway that I am hosting. Come on over and check it out.
Hi Anna! These pif's are fun, just when you kind of forget that someone is sending you something, you get a prize in the mail. Fun!!
Hello Anna! I love your blog. You are so upbeat, I love it. I think I might do the Pay It Forward. Life would be so much better if we were all thinking of others, rather than ourselves. Come check out my blog! Have a good one!
Ohhhh fiddlestix -- I see that I am not one of the first 3 to comment for your PIF -- but nevertheless, I am soooo glad I stopped by! Your blog is gorgeous.
We actually just watched that movie last week and I've been thinking if I could do something to PIF, so glad to see this.
My son is in Pay it Forward, he played Adam, Haley's best friend, the little boy with the curly hair. There is actually a foundatin called "Pay it Forward" that the author along with my son Marc would take questions on the internet from people all over the United States. Very interesting. It is a great movie and he had a wonderful time filming it.
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