I'm so excited! I have received my very first award and Nancy was so kind to give it to me!

The rules for this award are:
1. The receiver is to copy the award button to his/her blog.
2. Link to who gave you this award.
3. Nominate at least 7 other bloggers.
4. Link to each nominee.
5. Leave message at the nominee's blog.
I follow so many blogs, and I think that you are all so creative, so it was really hard for me to choose just 7, so if you read my blog regularly consider yourself awarded! Here are the '7' that I am officially passing the award to:
1. My mom, Christina, at My Swede Life...she really is very creative making dolls, hats, quilts, etc.
2. Sherri at A Quilting Life...her projects and her blog are an inspiration to me
3. Rochelle at Three Turns to Home...she seems to have a talent for everything making quilts, stuffed animals, etc.
4. Kristin at Sadie Bird...she has such a great eye for color and creates some of the most beautiful and unique quilts I've seen
5. Penny at sewtakeahike...another inspiring gal that I think can create/make anything
6. Erica at Polka Dot Quilts...she makes amazing quilts too, among other things
7. Elizabeth at Silver Scissor Quilts...she is the fastest quilter I know and her projects always turn out beautifully
Thanks! Have a great weekend!