This last year or so has been a crazy one for me with health concerns and just overall busy-ness. But, I've really missed the creative outlet in blogging. Taking a minute to share my thoughts and feelings...not that they are anything special. :)
I've been keeping myself busy with work, home projects, quilting and other crafts, and doctor appointments. But, that last one seems to be helping make me feel worth it, so all the time and money paid off. Right?
During the last session of the Utah County Modern Quilt Group, we swapped rainbow fabric strips. I participated in three groups of the exchange. I used every single one of those strips (with a teensy bit of each strip left over) to make this scrappy trip quilt top. I finished it up during conference weekend. {I love conference weekend - jammies, treats, listening to guidance we need for here and now - what's not to love!}
It was super fun to make and came together fairly quickly. I am really happy with how it turned out. :) But, sadly, it will probably sit as a top for a long, long time before I'm able to get it quilted. Oh well, if only I had unlimited funds and TIME!